Software development


Software development is not only our core service but also our passion. Our experts place great emphasis on the high quality of the created software and are constantly developing their skills in order to offer our customers modern, innovative and at the same time cost-efficient solutions.

We work eagerly not only with brand-new technologies but also with older and less popular ones. Pragmatism is one of our values – we consider many aspects to select the technology stack which is well tailored to customer needs.

Regardless on the technology stack, one aspect is constant: we always strive to provide high quality as we believe that it will pay off very quickly for our clients and for us – the source code will be easy to understand, maintain and extend.


We can provide experts for the following project roles:

  • Backend developer
  • Frontend developer
  • Full stack developer
  • Devops engineer
  • Integration engineer
  • System administaror


This is the shortlist of services that our talented software engineers can provide:

  • Implementation of business requirements in Backend
  • Implementation of business requirements in Frontend
  • Software refactoring
  • Software optimisation (e.g. for performance, stability, robustness)
  • Implementation of unit tests
  • Implementation of migration services
  • Implementation of CI/CD processes
  • Provision of software documentation
  • Researching new technologies and implementing Proof Of Concepts
  • Production support (including analysis and fix of issues)
  • System administration
  • Software audit
  • Team mentoring

Colaboration models

We offer two collaboration models in the area of software development:

  • fix price
  • time and material
Fix price

After reviewing the requirements, 3B IT Consulting quotes the cost of developing the system or a part of it (module) and implements the agreed functionalities for a predetermined price. 3B IT Consulting provides all the roles needed for the task on its side – typically these are solution architects, UX designers, developers and testers.

Time and material

In this model, we often work together as part of a client’s team where we cover project roles and are billed on the worked hours basis.

Technologies (shortlist)

Programming paradigms:

  • object oriented programming (OOP)
  • functional programming (FP)
  • reactive programming
  • procedural programming


  • Java ecosystem (including Spring and JEE ecosystems)
  • Java servers (Tomcat, JBoss, Wildfly, Weblogic)
  • Relational SQL databases (Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL / MariaDB, H2)
  • Document databases (Elasticsearch)
  • Alternative data stores (e.g. Reddis)


  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • Angular ecosystem
  • Vue.js ecosystem
  • Older frameworks: jQuery, GWT
  • Other: HTML, CSS, Sass, Less


  • Docker, Docker-compose
  • Kubernetes
  • Rancher, Openshift



  • Git
  • SVN


  • SOAP
  • REST
  • messaging systems (Rabbit MQ, JMS)
  • API-First (Swagger/OpenAPI)


  • Infrastructure as a code
  • Jenkins
  • Gitlab
  • Bitbucket
  • Elastic Stack
  • Graylog

Good practices:

  • Clean code / clean architecture
  • DDD (Domain Driven Design)
  • TDD (Test Driven Design)
  • Design patterns

Insurance is our primary business area,
but we are not limited to it.


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